Innovative products

    TENA Flex with Superfit Waist Belt facilitates quicker and easier changing

    TENA Flex incontinence protection has a patented Superfit Waist Belt. Simply fasten the belt around the waist, then fix the front of the pad to the belt using the Hook in Line system. TENA Flex is quicker and easier to change than traditional products regardless of the individual's position, ensuring dignity and more ergonomically beneficial for the caregiver.

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    TENA Flex with Superfit Waist Belt


    1Results based on survey conducted by SCA in 2012, with men over 40 in the US, UK Germany, Italy, Russia and Mexico by SCA. Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. Successful Pathways in Care Institutions, 2006 (English Extract).
    2SCA data on file: All statistics are based on average percentages from between 85-181 TENA Solutions case studies around the world, mainly Europe but also USA, Canada and China.  Results vary across countries and care homes depending on the circumstances in each care home prior to implementation of TS. 2011-13.