Insights & Expertise



Use better. Use less: optimising time and resources for the best possible care

As the demands of care and staff workloads are increasing, managing budgets and resources has become ever more challenging. But value is about more than unit prices. It is about efficiency and maximising your business’s time and resources to offer the best possible care. We think about this bigger picture when approaching everything from product design and innovation to sustainability. Viewing continence care at a longer-term, more human level, where everyone benefits.

The drive to make a difference

Essity and NHS work together to prove the benefits of person-centred care

With people at heart

For Eleonore Book, caring is more than just a job. It’s a calling, driven by a desire to make life better for others. We met up with Eleonore to talk about life as a professional caregiver – from the daily challenges to the rewarding moments that change lives.

Related diagnoses


Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia and Person-Centred Care

How person-centred care can help carers manage incontinence in residents with Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia.

Incontinence and diabetes

Together we can help customers with diabetes manage incontinence

Strategies for gaining control of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD)

By actively promoting good skin health, carers can reduce the risk of IAD among nursing home residents, significantly improving quality of life and lightening their own workload.

Incontinence management strategies for multiple sclerosis (MS)

Whether you’re their prescribing nurse or their friendly pharmacist, if you’re looking for an introduction to continence management for people with MS, this is the page for you.

Urinary tract infections and incontinence

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common, often painful condition that many people, especially women, will experience during their lifetime. A weakened immune system, ageing, and chronic illness can all contribute to developing UTIs. Another risk factor is incontinence – both urinary and bowel incontinence are risks of a UTI.

Arthritis and Incontinence

Arthritis and incontinence are two separate medial conditions, but they can sometimes be connected or affect each other in certain situations.



Parkinson’s is a complex progressive neurological condition. Symptoms develop due to the brain not making enough dopamine to control movement properly.


Stroke, (also called cerebrovascular accident) is caused by a blockage of blood flow (a clot), or a haemorrhage in the brain, resulting in a sudden death of brain cells due to a lack of oxygen.

Obesity and Incontinence

Obesity is on the increase in developed countries, including Australia. In 2017-18, the Australian Bureau of Statistics' National Health Survey showed that 67.0% of Australian adults1 and 30.9% of New Zealand adults were overweight or obese.2


The prostate and incontinence

The prostate is a small reproductive gland only found in men and it sits just below the neck of the bladder and surrounds the bladder outlet.


Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia and Incontinence

Dementia is becoming increasingly more common although it is not a normal part of ageing. Diabetes, heart disease, lifestyle factors and genes can all contribute to the onset of this disease.

Research and clinical studies


The importance of choosing the right products, saves carers time and effort

Evidence shows that caregivers time and ergonomic workload can be reduced – and job satisfaction increased – by choosing products that are easy to use. We call this usability.

Case studies


A full night’s sleep thanks to new TENA Flex Ultima absorbency and fit

TENA is focused on innovation and continuous improvement. Through researching ways to improve residents’ quality of life and reduce carer work load, TENA R&D found more than ten percent of residents in aged care were experiencing large or explosive urine voids. This was often causing leakage or resulted in the need for residents to be changed overnight, interrupting sleep and causing extra work and stress for carers.

TENA Professionals CGR Lifestyle Elderly Man and Women V2 Landscape

Lyndoch Living staff and residents happy to return to TENA

Positive resident outcomes is the underlying goal shared by Lyndoch Living and continence management provider TENA. Lyndoch Living has 198 residential aged care beds and has been based in regional Victoria since 1952. At any one time, approximately 70 percent of residents live with some degree of incontinence.

TENA Professionals Sustainability Lifestyle Care Home Garden Elderly Man and Woman V3 Landscape

How one resident’s skin issues brought about improvements for all

Napier Street Aged Care understand that using good skin care coupled with breathable continence aids will reduce moisture on the skin and improve overall skin health.
TENA Professionals Lifestyle Care Home Elderly Woman and Care Worker V1 Landscape

Improving skincare improves resident wellbeing at Ozcare

As well as being the Head of Aged Care at Ozcare, responsible for 1,400 residents in 11 residential aged care facilities, Lanna Ramsay also cares for her 89-year-old father.

Grow your pharmacy business


Recommending incontinence protection for every stage in a woman’s life

Women’s bodies change as they go through different stages in life. And as they grow older, the likelihood of experiencing incontinence increases. Here are some of the key stages in a woman’s life that you can make easier by recommending the right TENA products. With your service and expertise, your customers will keep coming back over a lifetime of changes.

Helping men with incontinence keep control

1 in 4 men experience some form of urine leakage[1], but only 5-7% of them use purpose-made protection[2]. This gap provides a great opportunity in which TENA Men can help you support men with incontinence and grow your business. That's better care for everyone.

Male incontinence – let’s give men the support they need

When it comes to incontinence, too many men are still staying silent. This can be due to stigma, or uncertainty around what support is available. Studies show that 1 in 4 men experience some form of urine leakage1, but only 5-7% use purpose-made protection2. To help men get the support they need, we collected some useful information around male incontinence and the products available. This will help you provide more accurate product recommendations while building loyalty and trust.

Better support for family carers and better business for you

With over 60 years’ experience supporting carers, TENA understands the reality family carers face.

Event calendar



World first incontinence waste trial

Landfill is where incontinence products end up. We're working to change that.

What does it mean to take responsibility?

For us, it all started with quality products. And it still does. Because TENA has always been about caring for people. Improving their lives, and helping them live with dignity and confidence. That doesn't change.