Improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night

Longer-lasting protection for a good night's sleep
A person is lying down wearing ProSkin Pants Night A person is lying down wearing ProSkin Pants Night

Dryness, comfort and protection all night long

With improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night, TENA has raised the standard of night-time protection for people living with incontinence, while making night-time changes easier for those who care for them.

Featuring the new FeelDry Advanced™ core and more absorption at the back where it's really needed when lying down, improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night guarantee up to 100% leakage security. This keeps the product surface drier for longer and skin better protected.

They are also designed to pull up or down like regular underwear, so any night-time changes are faster and less disruptive. The result is better protection, better skin heath and a good night's sleep.

Up to 100% leakage security

The combination of our super-absorbent core with Lie-down Protection, guarantees up to 100% leakage security.

An image of a product package
Elderly woman sleeping

More absorption, fewer sleep interruptions

Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. But for those living with incontinence, sleep is too often interrupted. With more absorption and longer-lasting protection, improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night reduce the risk of leakages and skin irritation such as incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD). This not only helps ensure more comfort and fewer sleep interruptions, but it also reduces workloads for caregivers.

Discover more benefits of improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night

  • Stay securely in place - even when moving and turning at night
  • Adjust to the body for a comfortable fit
  • Soft, anti-leakage barriers for extra protection
  • Breathable materials allow air to circulate for skin health
  • Odour neutraliser instantly takes care of odours
  • Dermatologically approved by the Skin Health Alliance
An image of person wearing TENA ProSkin Pants Night
. An image of person wearing TENA ProSkin Pants Night

Discover more benefits of improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night

  • Stay securely in place - even when moving and turning at night
  • Adjust to the body for a comfortable fit
  • Soft, anti-leakage barriers for extra protection
  • Breathable materials allow air to circulate for skin health
  • Odour neutraliser instantly takes care of odours
  • Dermatologically approved by the Skin Health Alliance

Interested in improved TENA ProSkin Pants Night?

Contact us to find out more or book a meeting.

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